Thursday, June 9, 2011

blooming radishes

i planted two kinds of radishes: cherry belles and watermelon radishes. the cherry belles had a quick turnaround, about three weeks from planting to harvest. the watermelon radishes, however, are supposed to be in the ground for about ten weeks. ten weeks! now in fairness, they're supposed to end up being about 4" across - very large for a radish. but ten weeks? okay, i can be patient. but then they started blooming. blooming radishes? that seemed ... strange. so i pulled a couple of them up.

at about the same size as the cherry belles, they're definitely not as large as they should be, which is fair since they're supposed to be in the ground for another two weeks.

while the color inside is gorgeous, hopefully more time in the ground helps their texture. these ones were pretty tough. the spiciness was lovely, though. :)


Patti said...

Three weeks?! Wow. I want radishes. I thought I was the only person I knew who liked to eat radishes. Did you ever eat the core of a head of cabbage? It tastes like a radish. I have fond childhood memories of watching my mom shred cabbage for cole slaw while I crunched and nibbled on the core.

'becca said...

i LOVE radishes. and the core of the cabbage is my favorite part!